Where do old superfolk go when it's time to get out of the game? To Valhalla—Home for the Supertired.
Created and written by Brock Heasley, and masterfully illustrated by Marc Lapierre, The SuperFogeys is a comic that begins as ridiculous as it sounds, but then quickly turns into something much deeper and devastating as our heroes are menaced by a mysterious villain with ties to their past. The lazy Captain Spectacular, quick-to-action Spy Gal, heartsick sidekick Jerry, crotchety old speedster Swifty, villainous Dr. Rocket, loony Star Maiden, morally compromised Tangerine, and sad sack Soviet Sam are all forced to reckon with old sins, new threats, and whether or not retirement was ever really a good idea in the first place.
That's The SuperFogeys. It's funny (because we're just doing it wrong with a premise like that if it's not), but there's so much under the surface, a depth of story and character that attracted publisher Th3rd World Studios to it in the first place.
And now, finally—FINALLY—this long-running online comic is ready to hit print with Volume One: Inaction Heroes, a 300-page book covering the first 17 chapters of the SuperFogeys saga for the first of what will be a massive two volume set.